Stormwater Solutions

A streetside rain garden

Independent activity, available year-round

Even though we depend upon rain, it can cause problems when the water running off roads, parking lots and roofs picks up pollutants and washes them into our creeks and streams. For property owners, stormwater can cause flooding, erosion and other problems. Forsyth County has plenty of examples of the right way to handle stormwater runoff. 

Below are two resources that show various options if stormwater runoff is creating problems on your property.

Stormwater Solutions Self-Guided Tour: This link takes you to a story map with images and locations of stormwater solutions throughout Forsyth County.

Kernersville Swales Tour. Click on the images below for pages with before-and-after photos of three stormwater projects in Kernersville, presented by Kernersville Stormwater Manager Wendi Hartup.

Chesham Drive

Oak Forest Road

Finborough Court